Prepaid Squad Plans
Squad plans include access to member benefits
including understanding access to the*

10 session credit - GPLC non-members
165$10 online credits that you can use in any of the squad sessions (60 or 90 min)Valid for 3 months5 session credit - GPLC non-members
95$5 online cerdits that you can use in any of the squad sessions (60 or 90 min)Valid for 5 weeksGPLC Members only 10 sessions
90$Glenfield Pool & Leisure Centre with active membershipValid for 3 monthsGPLC members only 5 session package
45$Glenfield Pool & Leisure Centre with active membershipValid for 3 monthsGPLC members only 40 session package
350$Glenfield Pool & Leisure Centre with active membershipValid for 6 monthsMilford School Pool Only - 10 Sessions
155$10 credits that you can use in any of the squad sessions at Milford School Only. Simplifies booking process and cancellationsValid for 12 months
Free Swim Smooth Guru Understanding access is granted to active members of Swim Smooth Auckland. To be an active member you must hold a valid prepaid plan and actively swim in the weekly squad.
To get access you need to set up an account with the Swim Smooth Guru then contact us and we'll ensure the access is granted. To set up an account linked to Swim Smooth Auckland, you can start with the widget below.
You'll need;
1. Active account for
2. Valid Prepaid Plan (from above)
3. Active seperate account within SwimSmooth.Guru
Please expect some delay in the activation of the Understanding access, we need to process some checks in the background
Swim Smooth Guru
All our videos, stroke insights & 1,000+ Swim Smooth sessions in your pocket, always.

As a certified Swim Smooth squad we're please to offer you free UNDERSTANDING access to the Swim Smooth Guru platform. Hundreds of resources to help your swim journey; drill videos, squad sessions, CSS calculators, there's a whole lot in there.
Sign up below, have an active prepaid plan for Swim Smooth Auckland then drop us a note and we'll get you set up.